Schedule Your Appointment

Schedule to See Our Orthodontist Online or at Home

Our team at TS Orthodontics has always been committed to providing quality orthodontic care. It’s important to keep up with your orthodontic health, that’s why our entire team is happy to offer convenient online appointments by video on a regular basis for both new and existing patients. 🙂

You can still see Dr. Scanlan for certain treatments and follow-ups, but now you don’t have to leave home or work when you schedule your online appointment. Plus, the process is fast and easy. We do this because we value all our patients and want to ensure your orthodontic health, no matter the circumstances.

We look forward to seeing you online or in the office, whichever you prefer!

Get Started With Your Appointment. Choose One Now:

As one of the premier orthodontic practices in Asheville, North Asheville, Marion & Rutherfordton, NC, our orthodontist and the team at TS Orthodontics also provide five-star orthodontic care to patients from Spruce Pine, Burnsville, Morganton, Marshall, Weaverville, Black Mountain, Sylva, Canton, Fairview, Royal Pines, Old Fort & Mars Hill, NC, and the surrounding areas.