If you are worried about brushing your child’s teeth, you are not alone. As parents, it’s only natural to wonder if you are doing things the right way. If you are wondering, “how to brush my baby’s teeth or when should i start brushing baby teeth?” Don’t worry! We understand you want the best for your child, which is why the following blog will help you out.

How To Brush Baby Teeth?

There are different ways to brush your child’s teeth depending on their age and the number of teeth.

When To Start Brushing Baby Teeth?

Different milestones in your child’s life are of great importance. For instance, your baby’s first word, the first time they walk or crawl, and of course the first time they get their first tooth. However, you don’t have to wait for your child’s tooth to appear, you start cleaning their gums long before their teeth appear.

  • Cleaning Their Gums

You should start oral care for your little one even before new teeth start emerging. In fact, you can start caring for a baby’s gums as soon as they are born. 

Instead of using a toothbrush, use a soft, damp cloth or your fingers to clean your child’s teeth. This will remove bacteria and prevent damage to the upcoming baby’s teeth. It will also get them used to having their mouth brushed. 

  • Use a soft washcloth or a piece of gauze and some water.
  • Gently wipe all around the gums and make sure you get under the lip region to reduce bacteria build-up.
  • Do this at least twice a day, especially wipe your baby’s gums after feeding and before bedtime
  • This will remove all the bacteria and prevent them from clinging to the gums.
  • Brushing Your Baby Teeth

As soon as your child’s teeth begin appearing above the gum line, it is recommended, that you make sure your child brushes their teeth for 2 minutes twice every day using the proper brushing techniques. Make sure they brush their teeth before going to bed to avoid food or milk sitting in their mouth overnight.

  • When the first baby teeth start to emerge, you can use a toothbrush. 
  • Make sure the toothbrush has soft bristles, a small head, and a large handle.
  • Soak the toothbrush in warm water for a few minutes, so the bristles can soften even more. Make gentle circles on the front, back, and top surfaces and the gum line.
  • By the age of 3 use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to brush your child’s teeth.

As your child’s teeth continue to develop, they develop good oral hygiene habits as well. Depending on the number of teeth they have at this age, you can start flossing their teeth. Focus flossing on the back molars as food particles often get trapped. You always ask a good pediatric dentist for tips on flossing your baby’s teeth, including what age they recommend you should start brushing their teeth.

Early Orthodontic Treatment 

After your child’s teeth start to develop, and you notice the problems mentioned below, you should visit a Pediatric Orthodontist in Asheville to get early orthodontic treatment

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Difficulty in chewing or biting
  • Breathing from mouth
  • Thumb sucking after age five
  • Speech impediments
  • Protruding teeth
  • Crowded front teeth around age 7-8 

First Visit To The Orthodontist

A good oral routine will ensure good oral health, which is a window to your overall health. Children are the most susceptible to cavities and tooth decay. Therefore, parents need to start cleaning their child’s teeth earlier than expected. You should also schedule your kid’s first visit to the best pediatric orthodontist in Asheville before their first birthday or after their tooth eruption to ensure they have a straight set of teeth.